In the last two weeks, I have been honored to speak to three groups that were Feldenkrais informed, ranging from inspiration, healing trauma, self-care and leadership.
Here are a few resources that assisted me with these subjects. Enjoy, send me your favorite inspiration podcast, book or blog.
Here is my short list:
OnBeing: Krista Tippet John O’Donohue #539, and #825 David Steindl-Rast
Tim Ferries: #412 Josh Waitzken
Brain Science Podcast: Dr Norman Doidge
The Conversation: Ayse Birsel How to design the Life you Love
Super Soul: Malcolm Gladwell: Talking to Strangers
Unlocking Us: Brene Brown: Shame and Accountability
Art of Manliness: How to design conversations that matter with Daniel Stillman
Kinesophics: Feldenkrais lessons
Oprah’s master Class: Dr. Maya Angelou Mar. 6, 2019
How I built Resilience: subscribe
Wisdom Shared: subscribe
Just Fly Performance: Edward Yu on Slowing Down #207
Design the Life You Love: Ayse Birsel
Mindful Spontaneity: Ruthy Alon
Quench: Dr Dana Cohen and Gina Bria
Strength Finders: Tom Rath
Breath: James Nestor
Beauty: John O’Donahue
Diverse Bodies, Diverse Practices: Don Hanlon Johnson
Devotions: Mary Oliver
The Art of Learning: Josh Waitzken
Are You Sure? The unconscious Origins of Uncertainty: Virginia Campbell
Wherever You Go There You Are: Jon Kabat-Zinn
Embodied Wisdom: Ed Elizabeth Beringer
Linda Delman: Movement Essentials
David Hall: Practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method and Alexander Method
Irene Lyon: Polyvagal Theory
Elinor Silversein: On Sticky Topics
Cynthia Allen: Feldenkrais Summit
Susan Harper: The Heart of Continuum
Tara Brach PhD: Deepening Connections
Andrew Gibbons: Body of Knowledge
Allison Rapp: Build Refine and Transform
Buffy Owens: Conscious Movements
Lavinia Plonka: The Creative Body
Tiffany Sankuary: Movement and Creativity
Susan Dopart, MS RD: Motivational Interviewing
Seths Blog: Leadership
BrainPickings: Oliver Sacks, and Kahlil Girbran
Efeld- science of the Feldenkrais Method
A.Noone: Feldenkrais
Instagram (you don’t need to have an account to visit)
TIME: Human Interest- What faces would look like if they were perfectly symmetrical (per Josh reference)
“Constraints can easily become excuses for not living the life you want. Rather than constantly whining about them, or struggling to change them, the Feldenkrais Method offers a surprising alternative: accept the constraint, and adapt…
Each adaptation presents an invitation to engage in an ongoing process, leading to positive change. New possibilities, new solutions emerge. You begin to think creatively, to explore options, to create value, and to improve everything — even the experience of the constraint.”
MaryBeth Smith